A beautiful sunny morning greeted competitors at this year’s Boggle and Bit of a Boggle. This Mid Essex Casuals race has been a biannual feature since 2011. Sue and John Clarke have created several routes but have now settled on a figure of eight from Terling.
I had offered to help at the first drink station and arrived at Terling village hall just before 9 which was after most of the runners had gone and also my drink station partner Clare.
As I drove from Terling to Great Leighs I passed quite a few runners at Fuller Street.
When I met up with Clare she was pleased to see me as the two tables Dave had given her to use must have been designed by Mr Rubic. We sort of got the bigger one up well enough to hold the drinks and food, but we still had two bits left over on the smaller one which we decided not to use.
Luckily we had set up just far enough into the field so that the twenty or so group of runners which we assumed were marathon training weren’t inclined to get muddy feet and steal a drink. Clare had put out most of the food; I made her put some away because, knowing trail runners, the plateful of jelly babies would last about three people if we were lucky. As predicted one of the last people through did take two handsfuls.
We didn’t know at the time, due to staggered starts, who was winning, but Rebecca and Ben certainly looked good as they went through. Dave phoned to let us know the non starters which included number 38 who had just that minute left us claiming to have lost the instructions. Turns out they were never picked up at registration.
Then it was back to the hall for some lovely home made (by Sue) soup. Sue had excelled and conjured up a fantastic array of home made snacks and meals.
The day had now turned cold and windy as I watched a few runners return to the hall at the 11 mile point.
Well done to the runners and many thanks to Sue and John for putting on another great event.
Thanks for another great turnout and well done to the majority of you that remembered to bring your running shoes. A few people turned at a marker post rather than passing it, but most seemed to have no bother apart from one slippery ditch.
When I sorted the course a few weeks ago the whole course was waterlogged and the ditch was full with fast flowing water. Luckily a few dry days before race day firmed things up and there were some very good times. Antony won by over 5 minutes from Thomas with Megan and Rachel finishing in an impressive third spot.
It was yet another one of our events where the ladies outnumbered the men. Long may it continue.
The Rose and Crown again did us proud with the food and service and we’ll be back on Easter Monday for the Eggstravaganza
The weather gods were kind and the course not too muddy for our first night run from one of our favourite haunts.
The only point of contention seems to have been the disappointment about the size of the tank, with most people expecting something bigger and some even a Sherman. The pub as usual did us proud with the food, good beer and most importantly putting the heating on at 9am so we weren’t two brass monkeys when you got back.
Some very fast times from the winning men, Antony, Paul and Luke who will have to get, or perhaps draw straws, to share their prize. And well done to Rachel ably assisted by Dad to win the ladies event.
Our next event another night trail, the Dark Rose, is already sold out and we have updated our fixtures page with most of our events for the coming year.